How We Serve

We Worship 

You’re invited to come as you are as we gather for a casual worship service every Sunday at 9:00 am.  After the service, we meet for Fellowship & Coffee with the Pastor and each other at 9:45 am. On the last Sunday of the month, we celebrate those in our congregation who had birthdays during the month.   

We Educate

We participate in Bible and Book Studies. Individual members of our congregation devote time to learning about social issues and sharing the information with our congregation. You can find educational resources under the 'Learning Together' page.

We Serve

We partner with other community organizations to provide meals and tangible items (such as jackets, backpacks, etc.) to youth who receive services from Coffee Oasis Bremerton. We participate in community activities, such as Juneteenth and Kitsap Pride Festival. TUMC supports our neighbors in recovery by providing no-cost space for 12-step groups.

Join us as we love and serve God and we love and serve our neighbor!

Photo Art Contributors from

Brett Sayles (5154329)