Our Mission at TUMC:

Know, Love, and Serve God  

A close up photo of branches of a green leafed tree with pinkish red berries that is covered in snow.
A photo of a simple nativity scene ornament hanging off the branches of a pine tree.
A photo of a white background with pine needles and holly berries running up just the left side of it. In the middle, text reads: Glory. Noun: worshipful praise, honor, and thanksgiving. “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Luke 2:14

Ways to Connect

a photo of part of a page of scripture which has some highlights on it. the background is blurred.

Worship Service

a picture of someone from the next down holding a cup of coffee. they have long blonde hair and are wearing a black blouse and white pants. towards the front of the image is a second persons hand also holding a cup of coffee.


a stack of thin books laying on a white desk against a white wall. a vase sits next to them with a stalk of bamboo inside it.


Join the weekly Bible Study in-person or via Zoom. To join with Zoom, click the button below.

Questions and Connections

For newer guests who want to learn more about Tracyton or the UMC with Pastor Greg. Meets the first Sunday of every month at 2:30pm via Zoom. Click below to join.

At Tracyton UMC, we want to be known as people who seek justice and love mercy. We want to be known for how well we love above all else. 

Missed a service and want to hear what Pastor Greg had to share? You can view previous services on YouTube.

Photo Art Contributors from unsplash.com by:

John Price and Kelly Sikkema

Additional photo art contributed by Rebecca Nystrom